2024. Máj. 23. 11:00
HUN-REN Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont (1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 33.), fszt-i előadóterem és online

Division and distributivity: The case of Hungarian -nként

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87216487498?pwd=SHZtckxWU2ZQQjBqbGR1amF3cEZmZz09

Various diagnostics suggest that English per expresses the arithmetical operation of division, rather than being a distributivity marker like each. Hungarian –nként displays the same properties, suggesting that –nként is also a “ratio marker” in that sense. At the same time, however, –nként has uses that per lacks, uses that suggest that –nként is a distributivity marker of some kind. This talk aims to resolve this tension, and identify the semantic commonality between distributivity and ratio marking that unifies the uses of –nként into a single morpheme.


Elizabeth Coppock

Elizabeth Coppock

assistant professor